• 6900 E. 2nd Street Scottsdale, AZ 85251
  • Opening Time: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Call Us On

    Office: 480.612.0510, Mobile: 480.231.3473

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19 Jul

Market Analysis

Our process incorporates a wide range of data points, with an emphasis on demographics, mapping, and overall market knowledge.

19 Jul

Site Selection

If you’re a retailer looking for a new location, we’re your expert guide from the start to the finish of the process. We offer superior mapping services, and detailed demographics specifically catered to your needs.

19 Jul

Landlord Representation

We take servicing seriously, because every property deserves our 100% attention—and you can be confident that we only work with vetted, qualified tenants. We’ll equip you with the most current, accurate market data in order that you can make informed decisions.

19 Jul

Tenant Representation

In the simplest terms, GPS can save you time, money and the hassle of finding a new location for your business. Whether you need a new site, lease renewal or store relocation, our vast market knowledge and resources will help you find and negotiate the property that makes the most sense from both an economic